I've had many clients experience transformation and growth during their True Self Transformation journeys. They have gained more self-awareness, improved their self-esteem and confidence, and developed a better understanding of their identity and purpose.

Jannelle C,

As my journey with MJ comes to an end it’s a little sad because I always look forward to our zoom calls and expanding my knowledge, but honestly can say it has been one amazing journey with MJ.

I would 100% recommend her to anybody needing to find themselves, discover self love, self worth and even reconnecting with their inner child.

It’s been one tough journey but without MJ by my side and her patience I wouldn’t have really grown to be the person I am today.

She always says I did all the work myself but honestly speaking if it wasn’t for her being in my corner I wouldn’t have known where to really start on my journey so thankfully having her in my corner I learnt and continue to learn more.

My journey may be finished with her but my connection will forever be there. Forever appreciative for MJ, one amazing soul!

Honey S.

“Thank you MJ for the wonderful time spent throughout my 6 weeks to True Self Transformations journey.

MJ, you are a phenomenal coach.

I chose your services not because of your loud social media presence or because you are able to promise me the world. Moreover, I chose you because of your consistency; and the way that your values were able to shine in your posts. I reached out to you and within our first interaction I could feel the warmth of your genuine heart. You never chased me and you allowed this decision to come from my own heart when I was ready.

I appreciate every single moment that you invested in me. MJ you played the perfect part of coach, sister and life-long friend. You allowed us to both create a space that was safe, inviting, understanding and sacred.

Thank you for honoring my values and for allowing me to keep my faith close to my heart. For allowing me to open our sessions in prayer and for never forgetting what I valued most. You took the time to get to know me on a deeper level which allowed the lessons that I learned in our sessions to integrate into my daily life.

I came into the course with a very strong sense of self and confidence, however you allowed me to break down all the remaining walls that I had built. You opened the doors and carefully unpackaged the remaining parts, that I did not have the capacity to face by myself.

Within the first week you are able to perfectly define what my priorities and values were. You reminded me of what really matters. You held my hand through a time that I wasn’t sure I could handle alone. The actionable advice and guidance that you gifted me, allowed me to face the challenges on my own. Your flexibility and understanding allowed me the space that I needed to really GROW and own my journey.

You allowed me to realise more potential within me that I could have ever imagined and I thank you for your service, your friendship and your guidance.

Thank you for being the blessing that you are to this world. I can only hope and pray that you will continue to guide and touch many more souls out there. So much love for you too. 


“Self love and self care is such a buzz word at the moment.

It comes across as easy and care free and sunshine and rainbows, but the truth is it’s bloody hard.

It’s scary and it requires effort, but it’s been so worth it.

You have made me realise my worth in a way that no one ever has before and taught me lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

You are incredible and the world is so lucky to have you.

Thank you for everything.”


“How can I put into words the amazing blessing that is MJ!

Before commencing my trauma to true self journey, I felt so lost and unsure, drowning in self-doubt. I had always been self aware of my trauma and triggers and even after reading all the 'self-help' articles nothing seemed to reach me the way MJ had.

By going through my healing journey with MJ, i was given the tools i desperately needed but more than that i was given the ability to wholeheartedly believe in my self worth, care and love - each week after my calls with MJ i could feel myself shed those limiting beliefs and taking better control of my life - this is absolutely priceless!

In our initial call, I had so much self doubt with little to no confidence, MJ was patient and kind, she held space for me and prompted me to explore a little deeper when required. It was from that moment on I knew I had put my trust in the right person.

MJ thank you so much for all you have done

I am so grateful and appreciative our paths crossed.”

  • Nary C.


“MJ has been a great help to me as I transition from a full working life to what I thought would be retirement, but turns out to be one of the most productive periods of my life!

She has helped me regain focus on who I am, what I want to do, and what comes next in my journey.

It was wonderful to have MJ there to help me see what was possible. “

Julie D.

Limiting Belief Release

As of late I have been feeling stuck and unmotivated, so I reached out to MJ to help me release an old limiting belief that has been holding me back on my personal and business growth.

MJ allowed me to feel safe and heard throughout the entire session. Right after she helped me release the limiting belief, I instantly felt lighter and sensed a wave of love + light surrounding me. From the NLP tools and MJ’s loving guidance, I gained more clarity than expected and feel more confident in the steps I need to take on my healing journey.

If you have any limiting beliefs that you think may holding you back from living your life to the fullest potential, NLP is such a powerful tool. I highly recommend to reach out to MJ to help guide you through uncertain times. 

She is such a beautiful soul and I am truly grateful for her love and guidance.


“As of late I have been feeling stuck and unmotivated, so I reached out to MJ to help me release an old limiting belief that has been holding me back on my personal and business growth.

MJ allowed me to feel safe and heard throughout the entire session. Right after she helped me release the limiting belief, I instantly felt lighter and sensed a wave of love + light surrounding me. From the NLP tools and MJ’s loving guidance, I gained more clarity than expected and feel more confident in the steps I need to take on my healing journey.

If you have any limiting beliefs that you think may holding you back from living your life to the fullest potential, NLP is such a powerful tool. I highly recommend to reach out to MJ to help guide you through uncertain times. 

She is such a beautiful soul and I am truly grateful for her love and guidance.”


“Childhood trauma healing is continuous work.

Completing my shadow work has allowed me to learn and implement tools/routines to overcome the trauma triggers.

However, I cannot deny that, at times the triggers may still be too overwhelming, and I believe I need continuous guidance.

I am grateful to have worked with MJ.

She provides a safe space and guidance to help me throughout my healing journey.

MJ is very kind, patient, and caring.

Working with her is always filled with love, kindness, and wisdom.

In the most recent session with MJ, she guided me to address my childhood trauma from a perspective that I would not have gone into if I was doing it alone.

The highlight was MJ assisted me with understanding the importance of forgiveness and compassion for myself and others around me in this healing journey.”

“I am beyond grateful for MJ's guidance. The past six weeks has been nothing short of amazing and eye opening.

MJ's nurturing and kind energy made me comfortable from the very beginning.

Every week I learned something new or had really good reminders in areas of life where I slacked off.The course itself flowed so well too.

I don't usually like homework but I really look forward to doing my exercises that MJ provided me every single week.

As much as I am excited about the wisdom and knowledge MJ has brought me. I am really going to miss interacting with MJ every single week but that's just a testament of how amazing she is and how amazing this course was

I cannot recommend it enough! Thank you so much MJ for crossing paths with me. I am so grateful”

  • Annoymous

Ingrid T. - 8 WEEK TRUE

I recently finished my coaching with MJ and I must say, I’ve never felt so uplifted in my life.

This course it digs deep into the very roots of your trauma/s.

I felt every emotion throughout the sessions, but she made me feel safe, comfortable and worthy!

I was very confused, lost and angry before starting this course but now my soul feels lighter and I'm starting to feel like my old confident self again.

It truly shows that she is dedicated and passionate in what she does.

The life tools MJ has taught me will be with me forever and I’m glad I took that leap and let her guide me through my darkest times and I can’t wait for my future coaching sessions with her.

Thank you always!

My 6 week journey with MJ has been eye opening. From when I first started to now I have noticed a big difference in how I perceive life.

MJ's beautiful personality and reassurance shines through as she supports me through my roadblocks. She has given me tools that will help me continue on this path of self-love

When I first started my sessions with MJ I felt stuck and uncertain in myself. I was lost in life not really living but stuck in my past which held me back from my future. MJ taught me to let go of what no longer serves me, and to allow myself to move forward by forgiving myself and the people that hurt me because they didn't know any better at the time.

We are all human and we learn and grow from our experience. I've accepted that my past will always be a part of me, but I will no longer be a prisoner of my shadows. I have seen the light in my shadows and now see my past as a gift, as I found strength within myself to get to where I am now because of what I've been through.

I can now blossom into the person I am destined to be, all thanks to the guidance of MJ and her program.

I am grateful that I was able to embark this journey with MJ and I hope all you beautiful ladies know that you are in good hands.

Thank you MJ, and am so excited to take this new journey of self discovery.

- Gres M.

“MJ introduced the 7 dimensions of self care to me and some of these were areas I had not considered before.

During the 6 week transformation, I was encouraged to apply these dimensions in my daily life and uncovered areas where I felt uncomfortable and discover what some of those blockages stemmed from.

It was definitely valuable for me and I love that MJ reminded me about my values and potential, and to trust myself to tackle life with confidence.

Thank you MJ!! Xx”

  • Anonymous

Andie A

Working with Mary Joyce is like making a friend for life.

She is so dedicated and has a true gift to create a safe space that allows for the deepest buried barriers to be revealed and released.

Her unique way of approaching things leads to building awareness and tapping into your most authentic self.

Mary Joyce is like the beacon that guides you through your most challenging journey.

If you had enough and would like to move forward in life, get rid of the extra baggage, and simply be the best version of yourself, let her show you the way.


From the first call I had with MJ I was nervous and scared of the journey that was ahead for me but I knew that I could trust her and was in good hands.

On our first session she told me that by week 6

I should start to feel the change..

and I will admit when she told me this I was sceptical

I had so much inside of me that had built up over the years I felt this would take a lifetime to heal but

I was surprised by week 3-4

I felt the change! I am finally feeling whole and seeing another side of myself that I thought I would never see.

I am learning so much about myself everyday and I thank MJ for this, she sees something in me that I never saw in myself, I am seeing my worth, I am setting my boundaries but most of all I’m not trying to find the negative side to things.

I am usually someone that puts my walls up when I see an obstacle and will back down, run away as fast as I can. Apart from being a mother this has been one of the hardest yet most rewarding things that I have ever done and though some sessions have been deep and difficult for me to face, I am so proud of how far I have come so far in just 6 weeks.

In MJ I don’t just see a coach, I see a life long friend and am so grateful for all her guidance, patience and love.


I finished my 12 week course and I am so happy to have come to this point, and at the same time I am sad, because I didn't want the course to end. I remember not being able to imagine being at the end of the journey, I was not able to see a version of me that could be any different to what I currently felt and was.

It's incredible how the tools MJ shares and the journey she takes you on can really and truly change your perspective and guide you to a better way of living and loving.

I put in as much as I could into the course and I am so thankful I did. I can see that this new way of seeking my true self is a lifelong commitment. One that I will have to remain on indefinitely to continue to grow in peace and self love.

Something that showed me my growth over these 12 weeks was to write out who I truly am on a piece of paper. I couldn't believe what flowed through from my heart to the paper. It has been such a transformative feeling to define my true self and to tangibly feel that change in my everyday life.

Thank you so much for your comments and love along the journey ladies. And thank you MJ for your unwavering commitment, gentle spirit and life giving affirmations. My life has changed in a significant way thanks to you! x

MJ is one of the most kind hearted people I've ever met! She really makes the effort to connect, understand and help you.

I have had the best belly laughs, but also been my most vulnerable with her and have felt absolutely safe. 

She has made me look inside myself, deeper than I ever thought I could to help me realise my self worth. From talking to MJ, I now trust myself, forgive myself and have confidence in myself. 

I'm extremely sad that our sessions come to an end. I genuinely look forward to our Zoom calls, I feel like I'm talking to a friend (while healing myself at the same time!) She was absolutely born to be a 'Trauma & Life Coach' and I feel so blessed to have worked with her. She has a beautiful gift. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Latecia B.

I never really thought that much about limiting beliefs until MJ open me up to it, one of my beliefs was that I wasn’t good enough and people would leave because I wasn’t good enough but in reality I was good enough and always will be good enough, to put that belief in the past and not believe in it truly is the best feeling in the world as I no longer see that I’m not good enough.

I am enough for myself and that is all that matters if people see me as not good enough then that’s on them for not seeing my worth, to let go of that belief has lifted so much weight off my shoulders and the unwanted feeling off my heart.

This journey I have taken to find myself has been one amazing experience and would definitely recommend it to whoever needs to see that they are good enough and they are worthy enough.

It doesn’t matter what other people think all that matters is what you think of yourself as it all begins within yourself.

  • Jannelle C.


In my whole life I have never backed myself. I have always gone with the flow, said yes and been agreeable. I never knew why. I never felt I knew myself.

Having started to do some work with you MJ, I feel like I have taken a small step towards getting to know myself and a giant step towards increasing my confidence, sticking up for myself, and taking life by the balls.

I have spent years seeing psychologists and counsellors trying to heal from past and present trauma and you-not have only helped me find the answers within me you made me realise that they were there all along.

I am in charge of me and my emotions and I can take control of them. I wasn’t sure what I was going to get with working with MJ, but it has been pure magic

Finished MJs 7 Days of Gratitude Challenge!

First of all, props to this wonderful woman for continuing with her commitment to serve other women (,even whilst on holidays).

Participating in the 7 Days of Gratitude Challenge was a step further than my usual nighttime routine (writing 3 things I am grateful each day). It made me dig a bit deeper by providing a topic to reflect on each day and also forced me commit to my statements by publicly posting what I had to say.

I know that these things are not what people typically see on their feeds. It is my hope that by sharing what we had to say, we could indirectly prompt others to look inward and answer the same questions.

Like always, after challenge was complete, I felt so blessed. I have saved my answers to each, so I have the ability to go back and reflect on my answers, when ever I need to. I know it will not only help me now but also in the future too.

Thank you MJ !

  • Honey S.

“Doing the 7 days of gratitude with MJ grounded me down again.

Going through a week of feeling uncertain and “lost”, having MJ guide me daily and reminded me of the important things that matter helped me organise all the overwhelm and reminded me why I do what I do and that I GET To do what I do.

There’s still a lot of work today internally for me but this challenge was a good reminder of what I’ve already got, what I’ve achieved and what I’m working towards!

Thanks beautiful MJ!”

  • Kim P

Shirin D.

It was my sister who first introduced me to the idea of a life coach. I was admittedly at first a little sceptical about it all, but within the first five minutes of our initial phone call, I realised that I was in the hands of a caring, compassionate, and nurturing person. I was floored by MJ’s gentle and genuine approach to getting to

know each other, and by how sincerely she wanted to discover the best ways to support me.

During our sessions we explored the deeper meaning of self-care, the importance of understanding and articulating our own values, and aligning our actions, beliefs and purpose with them. It became a healing process – an uncovering of the needs that were previously unknown to me, and guidance toward a healthier relationship with myself and with others.

MJ challenges those nagging doubts you might have about deservedness, any guilt you might feel in pursuing what’s best for you, and helps you realise that the only person you need permission from to let them go, is yours. It is your relationship with yourself that she helps you to heal, and that, I learned, is what it means to uncover your true self.

Nothing uplifts you like someone who truly wants to help you love and care for yourself. MJ is a wonderful, beautiful soul, and I am so truly blessed to have met her when I did.

Thank you for your guidance and friendship, MJ.

And to my kind and caring sister who forced me to get in touch. I’ll never be the same.

I’ve been doing some reflecting and Three months after our work I am more confident.

I no longer think that there is something ‘wrong’ with me.

I can recognise my feelings and know how to ground myself instead of reacting to them.

I know how to ask for things that I need instead of settling or ‘keeping the peace’ - which means I find it easier to focus because I am working on things that truly matter to me.

I am looking within myself for the answers instead of around me and copying others and hoping for external validation.

And most of all I am trying to make plans for the future rather than plodding along.

Thank you MJ for everything ❤️

  • Anonymous

I recently completed MJ's 5 Days of Gratitude Challenge

I made a commitment to myself when I signed up for the 5 Days of Gratitude Challenge because I wanted to SHOW UP for myself and make the time for self-development.

This challenge has allowed me to take a moment to step away from the busy day-to-day world and allow myself to sit in a safe space to reflect why I am grateful.

In so many ways, I have been able to shine a brighter light and build new relationships with like-minded people from this channel.

Now, I am filled with humble and gratitude to remind myself to stay grounded in

my values, self-worth, and self-confidence.

I am so thankful to meet an incredible person like MJ who truly understands you, listens to what you need, and encourages you to fill your own cup of happiness.

  • Lena N.

Juliette T.

Thanks to MJ I was able to begin my journey into Self Healing. For decades I have been holding onto so much pain, guilt and anger from events that happened in my childhood.

I had never known how to address these issues until I started MJ’s course. MJ has a pure heart, professional yet approachable manner which allowed me to start to open up all my wounds to begin my long journey into healing. MJ has given me the tools to start this necessary but difficult healing journey.

MJ builds her course to suit the individual, I never once felt just like another client, MJ designed her classes to suit the stage I was at emotionally.

I would highly recommend anyone who is looking to rediscovering your confidence and self awareness to contact MJ.

I am forever grateful to you MJ !

MJ, Thank you so so much.

Im so glad that we met and I am just really fateful and thankful for your time.

Thank you for helping me, motivating me and guiding me. I’ve learnt so much about myself during this journey.

I will make a promise to myself to stay positive and do everything that i’ve learnt from to the best of my abilities as I stay true to me.

If there’s a time that I do face problems, I will always think of you and remember that guidance you have given me.

Because of you, I have become a stronger and a happier person!

You are an amazing, beautiful and kind woman!

Thanks heaps MJ

Lots of Love x

  • Kim B

A true coach, asking the right questions to get me to reflect on my life, MJ has given me a wealth

of knowledge, tools and skills that I can take with me moving forward.

I can't thank MJ enough for her strength and support during my most difficult self development journey, and I am forever grateful for our now friendship ❤

  • Catherine K.

Adrianna T.

When I first started my journey with MJ, I didn’t know what to expect out of talking with her. Her post came up on my fb for a free 1 hour phone call so I entered my details without another thought about it.

When I got the call, I told her I was busy and to call back another time because I was at work. Tbh, I wasn’t even thinking about it let alone did I even think I was going to get the phone call, to the point where I even forgot about our rescheduled call so I went to the carpark found a quiet space to talk, and in that first phone call I cried.

After that cry I knew that there was something I needed to heal, so I signed up. My first session was so powerful I cried again, but I was also struggling to express myself with answering all the questions from MJ, so I knew I still needed help.

I would look forward to each session covering a different topic over 12 weeks, not knowing what to expect but I noticed it got lighter to talk and more empowering. MJ is so understanding, encouraging and gives you that safe non-judgemental space to just be yourself so that you’re comfortable to be open, to unpack and process unresolved trauma while providing insight and tools on how to overcome that on your own.

I’m looking forward to applying what I’ve learnt with MJ and whoever reads this just know that it’s ok to ask for help

Thank you so much MJ I appreciate crossing paths with you and grateful to be able to share in your teachings on my healing journey


I am immensely proud of my clients.

They have learnt how to better manage their thoughts and feelings and have developed better coping skills for difficult situations.

Through their journey, they have also been able to build healthier relationships with themselves and others, and have acquired the skills to lead more meaningful lives.

I am beyond proud to see our clients become their best selves and live their most authentic lives.